‘Since the founding of KBS by a small group of bankers in Kansas over a century ago, our dedication and steadfast service to community banks has resulted in deep knowledge, resources and experience. We are uniquely positioned to provide insurance […]
‘Kansas Mutual was founded in 1895 under the name of Alliance Cooperative Insurance Company to help Kansas farmers who were faced with unaffordable prices if and when insurance was available to them. Only farm property was covered at first. Then […]
‘KBIC provides top class insurance services to mainstream small businesses operating in large urban areas. Through our ever growing partnerships, we seek to expand our market to reflect the diverse multicultural environment of America’s metropolitan centers. KBIC provides a level […]
‘Brown & Brown is an independent insurance intermediary that through its licensed subsidiaries provides a variety of insurance products and services to corporate, public entity, institutional, trade, professional, association and individual clients.’
‘Biglari Holdings Inc. is a diversified holding company.nall major operating, investment, and capital allocation decisionsnare made for the company and its subsidiaries nby Sardar Biglari, Founder, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer.’
‘The Kentucky AGC/SIF has provided continuous statutory workers’ compensation coverage for its members since 1979. Additionally, it provides out-of-state coverage and incidental USL&H coverage for its members who use regularly employed Kentucky employees. It is the best that it can […]