Of agents. By agents. For agents.
We are a company of independent agents, by independent agents, for independent agents. We were founded by independent agents who collaborated, cooperated and strategized together for the benefit of all independent agents. Today, we are still owned and directed by independent agents. With that as our DNA, we exist for the purpose of giving independent agents the edge you need to stay independent, both now and in the future.
How do we do that? We do that by providing access to the most relevant markets, tools, technology, and training resources. And by weaponizing data, we arm our partners with the most relevant strategic insights, analytics and benchmarks, making Indie AgentsTM and the companies with whom we partner, winners.
With the most agent-friendly partnership agreements in the industry and solutions for growth, profitability and perpetuation, you should partner with us.
Category | Agency Clusters | Alliances| Networks Franchises | Aggregators |
Website | https://www.goindium.com/ |
Territory |
Views | 3,687,601 |