Former SE Iowa Insurance Agent Receives $315 Fine, Probation Under Deferred Judgment
Des Moines – Renee Hill, age 45, of Richland, pled guilty on August 9, 2019, to Fraudulent Practices 4th degree, following an investigation by the Iowa Insurance Division’s Fraud Bureau. Hill, a former insurance agent, was assessed a $315 fine, and as part of a deferred judgment received on October 9, 2019, was placed on probation for one year.
“Insurance agents hold a position of trust and Iowans expect them to act with integrity and in an ethical manner. Ms. Hill violated that trust,” Iowa Insurance Commissioner Doug Ommen said. “There are thousands of licensed insurance agents able to assist Iowans in an ethical and credible way with their insurance needs. Consumers should rest assured that the Iowa Insurance Division will continue to investigate and hold accountable any individual who misuses their position in order to profit through deceptive acts.
Hill was originally charged with Fraudulent Practices 1st Degree and Fraudulent Submissions following an investigation by the Iowa Insurance Division’s Fraud Bureau which began in 2018. The investigation concluded that Hill made false statements and submitted fraudulent documents in support of an insurance policy while acting as an insurance producer. Hill’s insurance producer license was permanently revoked on February 11, 2019.