The National Alliance Research Academy is currently conducting a survey for the upcoming 11th edition of the Growth and Performance Standards (GPS) Study. For 30 years, GPS has been the leading resource for independent agency benchmarks—information that empowers agency owners, managers, and supervisors to make strategic comparisons of their agencies’ financial and productivity results to that of others of a similar size and location. These comparisons provide vital insights into strategies used by best performing agencies, as well as industry benchmarks that highlight where variances may exist—data that can reveal powerful methods for fine-tuning and improving processes.
We need you—agency owners, managers, and supervisors—to participate in generating critical industry research data! Go online and take the GPS survey to provide input that will help support the vitality of the insurance and risk management industry and in turn help grow your own agency.
- The information you volunteer will contribute to the updating of benchmark income and expense averages, productivity standards, balance sheet ratios, and agency profile measures.
- Your participation in the GPS survey will provide data that will identify positive and negative variances that can help you improve the performance of your agency in the future.
- All data you share is maintained by The Academy in a totally confidential manner.
- The Academy will complete the financial portion of the questionnaire for you—again, maintaining total confidentiality.
- Your participation in the GPS survey qualifies you to be automatically entered in a drawing to win one of 20 scholarships, either for one online CIC or one online CRM course (a $430 value)!
- You will also be entitled to purchase one copy of the new, 11th edition, GPS study at 50% off the regular price.
To participate in the GPS survey, please use the following link:
The Academy is a non-profit organization funded entirely through publication sales and affiliation dues and serves as the research and development arm of The National Alliance for Insurance Education & Research. For further information, contact 512-663-3144; The National Alliance, P.O. Box 27027, Austin, Texas 78755-2027; website:Â TheNationalAlliance.com.