‘Municipal Mutual was founded on February 16th, 1910 by J.A. Gist. Mr. Gist served continuously on the Board of Directors and Secretary of the company until his death in 1964. The Company’s purpose was to insure buildings, contents in the buildings, plate glass, and to carry on a general fire business as set forth in the Statues of the state of West Virginia relating to a mutual.nnOver the past 100 years, Municipal Mutual has continued to provide excellent customer and claims service while expanding the business into the two neighboring states of Ohio and Pennsylvania. Municipal Mutual has received AM Best’s A – “Excellent” rating which represents the companies strong financial structure and stability.nnCurrently Municipal Mutual offers competitive yet affordable rates for the following lines of business: Homeowners, Mobile Homeowners, Commercial Fire, Dwelling Fire, and Farmowner policies.’
Category | Insurance Carrier Directory |
Address | P.O. Box 310 Wellsburg, West Virginia, 26070 |
Insurance Carrier Type |
Company Size | Small |
Territory |
Views | 1,840 |